Spring Cleaning for Your Business

Spring Cleaning for Your Business

A clean warehouse

We’re three months into the new year, which is an excellent time to check in with ourselves and figure out if we are sticking with our 2021 goals, both in our personal lives and for our businesses. One way to do this is to incorporate “spring cleaning” into your business. It looks a little different than the spring cleaning list you use at home. Less sweeping, mopping, and wiping, and more significant repairs and maintenance, but it’s just as important.

We’ve outlined the most impactful ways you can improve your company’s day-to-day in our latest blog post, so keep reading for some helpful tips.

Preventative Maintenance

The best thing you can do for your business and your peace of mind is to avoid problems. Some things are unfortunately unavoidable, but there are steps you can take to limit catastrophe from occurring. One way to do this is with preventative maintenance. By regularly caring for the large machines, and systems in your building, you could avoid wasting a lot of time, energy, and money on avoidable repairs and replacements.

Minimize Hazards

The first step of minimizing hazards is recognizing and understanding which parts of the business are hazardous. According to the National Electrical Code, a hazardous location is defined as an area "where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to flammable gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dust, or ignitable fibers or flyings."

Some common hazardous locations include:

  • Gas plants
  • Petroleum refineries
  • Aerosol spray finishing areas

Depending on your business, these hazards might be unavoidable, so instead, you’ll need to make sure that they’re handled, and maintained in the safest way possible. With 40 years of experience, our team of industrial electrical contractors at Southwest Industrial Electric has a complete understanding of your needs and the safety precautions that are necessary.

Clean Up Your Energy Bill

Not sure where to begin when it comes to cleaning up your energy bill? Start here:

  • Turn the lights off. It’s such a small task that makes such a big difference. If you find yourself forgetting to turn the lights off pretty consistently, then consider installing a motion-activated lighting system, or a lighting system then runs on a schedule and is set to your operating hours.
  • Upgrade your lighting. When was the last time you replaced the lightbulbs in your fixtures? If it’s been a while, you could still be using incandescent bulbs which are significantly less efficient than their fluorescent or LED counterparts. Even better, UID lights have proven to be even more efficient for large spaces.
  • Move to the cloud. With a cloud-based IT system, you won’t have to waste space and energy with computer servers. For example, a business with 100 employees will see a significant reduction in its carbon footprint by moving to the cloud.
  • Eliminate paper. Using paper is not only costly, but it’s bad for the environment. Additionally, the use of printers, copy machines, and fax machines all to share and receive paper documents wastes a lot of unnecessary energy. Instead, utilize shared drives, cloud storage, or a file-sharing service.

For help achieving your best industrial space, contact our team of experts at Southwest Industrial Electric. We have the ability to design, build, and maintain the most efficient electrical and mechanical systems to make your business it’s most successful. To learn more about our services and how we can assist you, call us today at or visit our website.